Why Us?

i-order used to provide services exclusively for Japanese customers because in the past, for overseas companies, one of the rerequisites to open a Rakuten shop was to have a legal entity in Japan.

And this requirement kept many overseas companies interested in Japanese ecommerce market at bay. However, Rakuten has gone global these years by building Rakuten Global Market in Japan as well as multiple online Rakuten market places around the world.

Since the summer of 2015, Rakuten announced a new policy that foreign retailers or brands will also be able to sell on Rakuten Japan even if they do not own a local company here by cooperating with qualified local company as their agent on Rakuten.

As a long term business partner of Rakuten and also as an excellent local enterprise that began its own overseas business since 2008,
i-order was introduced by Rakuten Japan this summer to overseas companies seeking local Japanese business partner as their third party agent on Rakuten market place.


What can you do
with our CBT services?

For foreign companies that are interested, from the first day we start working together, we will take you through all the steps to sell on Rakuten Japan. Our service includes: ecommerce consulting, applying for and setting up Rakuten store, designing localized storefront and also the last but not least, managing the store.

Some of our Rakuten customers

cbt service i-order

*If overseas sellers choose to ship directly to Japanese customers in the form of private import, we would put exclusive purchasing terms & conditions on custom & tax &shipment on their Rakuten store page to avoid troubles and misunderstandings.


  • お客様が通常と同じお買い物ステップで安心して海外の商品を「個人輸入」として購入できるよう、楽天市場から指定を受けた委託先である株式会社i-orderが海外企業と契約を結び、彼らの楽天店舗運営業務を行います。
  • 関税・消費税が課税される場合があります。課税額はご注文時には確定しておらず、通関時に確定しますので、商品の受け取り時に着払いでお支払ください。
  • 当店でご購入された商品は、「個人輸入」としての取り扱いになり、すべて海外企業からお客様のもとへ直送されます。商品お届けまでに、1週間程度かかります。
  • 個人輸入される商品は、すべてご注文者自身の「個人使用・個人消費」が前提となりますので、ご注文された商品を第三者へ譲渡・転売することは法律で禁止されておりま す。

【Important 】Exclusive terms &conditions of purchase
( Please do read following contents before check out)

  • The products would be shipped from overseas directly to customers in Japan. It usually takes about 3~7 days for delivery.
  • All products in this shop are for the personal use of the customers buying, reselling or consigning to a third party is not allowed.
  • Products will be delivered to customers via private import. i-order, designated by Rakuten Ichiba as official business partner will manage the shop as overseas companies' agent on Rakuten.
  • In case custom & tax are required , it need to be paid by buying customers.

Advantage of private importing
≪Pros and Cons≫

legal Japanese entity private importing
Entity Fee ×
Stock ×
Shipping From Japan From oversea
Customer Service In Japanese In other languages
(we do on behalf of you)

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i-order Japan
Address :

Showa shell Bld.7F, 193-1, Yamashitacho,
Naka-ku Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa, Japan

TEL : 81+045-222-3723
FAX : 81+045-222-0195
MAIL : sales@i-order.co.jp
i-order Taiwan
Address :

Rm. 17, 12F., No.237, Sec. 2, Fuxing S. Rd.,
Da'an Dist., Taipei City , Taiwan (R.O.C.)

TEL : +886-2-2708-2811 / +886-02-2708-9920
FAX : +886-2-2708-2810
MAIL : sales@i-order.com.tw